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Anna-Sofia Nylund

Artist and Filmmaker


picture Haliz Yosef



– a cross-artistic dopamine raising performance

The aim for our cross-artistic performance is to raise and stabilize dopamine levels specifically for non-males and others with low dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is directly linked to desire and pleasure.It is necessary for a person in order to be goal oriented, for decision making and full creativity. According to Naomi Wolf's book "Vagina- A new biography" and her research on dopamine, a woman can only have access to her full potential if she is allowed to be free in her body and sexuality, as it leads to normal dopamine levels. The sexual oppression in a patriarchal world order which, on the other hand, links female sexuality with shame leads to low dopamine levels and in the long run to negative psychological effects. Fatigue, lack of motivation and distorted view of one's own ability. In this way, the gender power order is maintained. The patriarchal structure. Emancipation is impossible. Patriarchy is ingenious. But could this very simple equation be the key to overthrowing patriarchy? Maybe stabilized dopamine levels are the key to emancipation? Perhaps the revolution does not lie in the active struggle but in stopping, going inward and completely ignoring the destructive structures of patriarchy. To stop burning oneself out to fight for the revolution and be appalled by all injustice. And maybe simply build puzzles instead.


We wanted to test what happens if we actively work to raise and stabilize our dopamine levels. In December 2019, we followed for 21 days a specific dopamine-increasing schedule that included various dopamine-stimulating activities such as meditation, music and putting together puzzles. Every day we filled in a list between 0-10 where we evaluated our creativity, adaptability, motivation, determination, energy, our emotional state and our self-confidence. After 21 days, we could clearly see that we filled in higher grades for ourselves than at the beginning of the process. We feel that we have raised and stabilized our dopamine levels. We feel we have been given tools that we can use in situations that drain us of dopamine.

The experiment took place at Theater Viirus in December 2019 and the result was shown partly as a performative exhibition in the end of the period. Anyone could participate in our durational performance during the 21 days. 

Digital Interactive performance

Due to Covid 19 we continued with an two hour online version in May 2020. The project is still ongoing.

The main part of the digital performance Project Dopamine consists of an active part where we together with the participants raise our dopamine levels in different ways. The goal is to raise and stabilize dopamine levels so that everyone will reach their full potential and in the long run crush the patriarchy. Everyone behind their own screen can take part in a dopamine-stimulating journey together. The screen time where the actors present the program is about 15 minutes long. The rest takes place, at the request of the artists, off screen. You can also participate only as a viewer without participating in the program items. If you are interested in our digital performance please contact us via annasofianylund(a)



picture Haliz Yosef

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Otto Ekman HBL:

"Är lösningen på samhälleliga problem som patriarkatets psykiska eller rentav fysiska våld att stänga in sig i ett ljud- och ljusisolerat utrymme och följa ett inrutat schema?

Dessa kritiska frågeställningar ska dock inte tolkas som kritik mot själva verket: snarare är de ett tecken på att Nameless lyckats skapa en intellektuellt stimulerande och till och med mellan raderna lite provocerande föreställning med tuggmotstånd, som stannar kvar i minnet och väcker mersmak."


Dopamine enducing schedule:

9.00-10.00   Dopamine breakfast and discussion on a specific topic        

10.00-10.10 Cleaning up after breakfast and time for changing clothes

10.10-10.45 Physical training (after your own abilities)

10.45-11.55 Pause / Time for adjustments

10.55-11.05 Memory training

11.05-11.15 Sharing results of memory training

11.15-11.20 A hug

11.20-11.35 Meditation

11.35-11.40 Pause / Time for adjustments

11.40-11.55 Self reflection (in the form of answering questions in writing)

11.55-12.55 Lunch

12.55-13.25 A walk in the nature

13.25-13.35 Music (participants can chose their own music)

13.35-13.55 Detailed hobbies (for instance: a puzzle)

13.55-14.55 Creative activities around the theme emancipation/freedom

(for instance: painting, writing, photo, video, sculpture)

14.55-15.05 Pause / Time for adjustments

15.05-15.15 Evaluation (written)

15.15-15.45 Analysis, feedback and discussion

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