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Anna-Sofia Nylund

Artist and Filmmaker


Room Without Escape

Live stream performance 2015

In January 2015 the working group Nameless consisting of Anna-Sofia Nylund and Lidia Bäck performed "Room Without Escape - An obscene  web-performance".


The performance was streamed live from an unidentified room in Helsinki. Anyone had the power to influence Nameless by writing to them through a chat.


Room Without Escape was streamed online for seven days at different times a day. This made it available to anyone anywhere around the world. The audience were able to give any task to Nameless, who promised that they would do everything asked for. The Performance had over 7000 viewers and received thousands of commands and comments.

Costumes: Sanna Pietilä

Videomixer: Ludvig Allén

webbpage: Sebastian Rosenqvist


The performance was later made in to an installation; They asked for it!

They asked for it!

- A dissection of the perfomance

Installation 2016 at Galleri Zebra

1. Room Without Escape

Video extract from the performance Room Without Escape.

Videomaterial from the stream with the individual comments unedited.

Duration: 17min loop


2. Visitor statistics

Visitor statistics for each performance according to country, amount and time interval.

Source: Video sharing site Bambuser.


3. The room

A reproduction of the original room in the performance.



Every received comment during the performance. Unedited.


5. Costume


6. Word statistics

Statistics over the use of words for each performance.


7. Live stream.

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